15 Oct 2014

Abramtsevo- Russian artists village in 19C.

We are having a pleasant time, " Golden Autmun".  The natural leaf patchwork of yellow, orange and red looks so fantastic, it lasts only for a week though. Honestly Russian autumn is too short, but it is like a beautiful gift before long winter comes. In this season, just to walk around the city is good enough, but I wanted to drive outside of Moscow and visited the small village called "Abramtsevo".

On the way to Abramtsevo, beautiful Dacha village.
 Abramtshevo is about 70km north from Moscow, nearby Sergiev Posad. This small village is visited by many tourists, because it is well known as the art village where the famous Russian artists gathered in 19th century. Originally this estate was founded in the 1750s, and changed several owners, and at the end of 1843 was bought by the Russian writer Sergiev Aksakov. His son, Konstantin was known as a ideologue of Slavophilism, asserted that Russia should follow its own way , different from the Europian one. Sergiev Aksakov supported his son's idea and welcomed the adherents of this movements in his house in Abramtsevo. Also he were visited by artists, actors and writers, such as Young Turgenev and N.V.Gogol and so on.
In 1870, the industrialist S.I.Mamontov owned this estate. Mamontov himself has multi talents, loved art, supported the life of talented people. He initiated the creation of an artistic union in Abramtshevo that consisted of young V.D.Polenov, brothers Vasnetsov, I.E.Repin, M.A.Vrubel and others. All of them were united by the wish to incorporate their creative work in to the Russian life-nature,people, folk tales. In Mamontov era, Russian style new buildings appeared and gave more attractive look to the village.
アブラムツェボ村は、モスクワから北へ約70km、セルギエフ・パサードの手前に位置します。この小さな村が観光スポットである所以は、19世紀にロシアの名だたるアーティストを擁する芸術家村であったからです。その歴史をさかのぼると、アブラムツェボは1750年代にはじめて私有地化された後、数人の所有者の手を渡りながら、1843年末に作家としても有名なSergei Aksakov氏により買収されました。彼の息子Konstantinはスラブ主義(反欧化、ロシア文化復興)の推進者として知られ、父S.Aksakov氏はこの思想を援護しアブラムツェボの地にスラブ主義の支持者を招きました。また芸術家、俳優や作家との親交も深く、若き日の作家ツルゲーネフ、ゴーゴリなどもこの地を訪れたといいます。

Entrance of Abramtsevo state historical art and literary museum
The entrance ticket and guide map
If you want to learn about S.I.Mamontov who made this unique art village in Abramtsevo, I recommend to join the excursion including "Manor house" where Mamontov's work room and family rooms are preserved as they lived. His wife, Yelizaveta's room is a must see spot, because it is equipped with beautiful Russian style furniture. Also the dining room has nice interior, wood carved furniture and Vrubel's ceramic works are perfectly matching.

Manor house (Late 18th centruty)
Mamontov's wife's room, nicely decorated with Russian wood carving.

The dining room
Vrubel's work is a good accent of the interior
Behind the Manor house, there is the lovely house with a triangle roof top. This house is called "Studio", built by the painter/architect Victor Gartman in 1873. The design concept is obviously Old Russia, wood carved decorations on the roof and the windows copied the traditional peasant works.  Inside of the house, the natural light comes from the wide windows, it makes the space more open. There we can see some paintings of Abravtshevo artists and Vrubel's ceramic works as well.
マナーハウスの後方に、三角屋根の可愛らしいお家が見えます。Studioです。1873年、画家/建築家のVictor Gartmanのプロジェクトにより建てられました。屋根や窓の木彫りは、ロシア伝統の農民文化を模しているのでしょう。内部は大きな窓からの自然光に照らされ、開放的な雰囲気。アブラムツェボ派の作品や、Vrubel作の美しいペチカが展示されています。
The roof and window decoration follows the Russian traditional way
Vrubel's ceramic stove
In the backside of the Studio, we found the interesting object in the glasscase. That is called "Vrubel's Bench", created by Vrubel and other artists in 1915. It stands on the high place surrounded by trees, looks like a special seat to see beautiful autumn.
Studioのさらに奥にぽつんとガラスケースに入ったオブジェが飾られています。これは「Vrubel's Bench」と呼ばれ、Vrubelと仲間のアーティスト達により1915年に創られました。少し高台に設置されたベンチは、美しく黄葉した木々を眺めるための特等席のようでした。

Vrubel's bench (1915)

My report of Abramtsevo will be continued.


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